Name: Carcharocles megalodon Tooth
Age: Pliocene
Formation: Yorktown Formation
Location: Lee Creek Mine, Aurora, North Carolina
Size: Tooth is almost 5 inches long!
Specimen SSA626
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This is a killer fossil shark tooth. It is a very large (almost five inches long!) Carcharocles megalodon Extinct White Shark tooth from Aurora, North Carolina. This specimen was recently acquired from the famous Eugene Thomas Collection. Megalodon teeth from North Carolina are extremely scarce, since fossil collecting in the Lee Creek Mine was halted years ago. The quality of this tooth is super nice. The enamel is beautifully preserved, and the distinct serrations are still razor-sharp. The substantial root is also in very fine condition, having no damage or repair. Also, this is a cool "blade" tooth, looking more like the wide blade of a shovel instead of a thin, narrow arrowhead. This is a VERY displayable and highly collectible fossil Meg tooth from the classic Lee Creek Mine in North Carolina.
A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.