Name: Cheirurus (Crotalocephalina) gibbus
Age: Devonian
Formation: AM Limestone
Location: Morocco
Size: Trilobite is 3.5 inches long!
Specimen SSA737
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Here is a well prepared example of a very cool trilobite. This is a very large Cheirurus (Crotalocephalina) gibbus trilobite from the Devonian of Morocco. This trilobite was acquired from a major trilobite collection. This trilobite exhibits excellent detail - the genal spines, pleural spines, and tailspines have all been prepared in a free-standing manner. The underside of the bug has also been cleaned, exposing the huge hypostoma (mouthplate). The strange trilobite is extremely inflated, 3-dimensionally preserved, and very well articulated. The fossil is beautifully showcased on its sculpted limestone base. This is an extremely displayable example of this classic Cheirurid trilobite with its entire head and all spines free standing!
A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.