Name: Heliobatis radians (Male)
Age: Eocene
Formation: Green River Formation
Location: Kemmerer, Wyoming
Size: Plate is 25" tall, stingray is 15" long!
Specimen SSA715
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This is a spectacular display fossil. It is a very large, museum quality Stingray specimen from Lincoln County, Wyoming. This is a male Heliobatis radians, one of the most sought-after fossils found in the Green River Formation. The Ray has great natural color, which contrasts beautifully with the buff-colored matrix. The amazing fossil has exceptional detail - the barbs along the tail and the long 'stingers' are intact and well preserved! Even the male "mating graspers" are beautifully displayed! The complete Ray is wonderfully showcased on the very large, free-form plate that also has THREE beautiful Knightia fish preserved! This is a fabulous, top quality example of a rare Stingray and fish fossil that can not only be part of a fossil collection, but also be proudly displayed in your home or office.
A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.