Super Amecephalus laticaudum with Huge Headshield

Name: Amecephalus laticaudum
Age:  Middle Cambrian
Formation:  Langston Formation, Spence Shale
Location:  Box Elder County, Utah
Size: Trilobite is 2.15 inches long!

Specimen SSS923

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This is a spectacular U. S. trilobite. This is a pristine example of Amecephalus laticaudum from the Middle Cambrian of Utah. This HUGE specimen (over two inches long!) is from a new locality in the Langston Formation (Spence Shale). This outstretched trilobite is fully complete and wonderfully outstretched. Both free cheeks are present and tightly attached, which is extremely unusual. The bug exhibits terrific detail - the eyes of the trilobite are easily seen, and the glabella is clearly defined. The many, many individual thoracic segments are wonderfully displayed, and even the pygidium is intact and tightly articulated - also extremely rare. The thick shell exoskeleton of the trilobite is beautifully preserved. The bug has great natural color and contrast and is well showcased on a large, natural plate of shale. This is a top quality example of Amecephalus laticaudum - easily the best specimen of this type we've ever seen.

A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.

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