Top Quality Dicranurus Prepared by EXTINCTIONS

Name: Dicranurus hamatus elegantus
Age:  Lower Devonian
Formation:  Haragan Formation
Location:  Coal County, Oklahoma
Size: Trilobite is 1.85 inches long

Specimen TTOKD901

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This is a fabulous example of a classic spiny trilobite. It is a breathtaking Dicranurus hamatus elegantus from Oklahoma. This awesome trilobite was meticulously prepared under a microscope in the EXTINCTIONS Prep Lab here in Colorado. This type is probably the most sought-after and recognizable trilobite from Oklahoma. This stunning fossil is beautifully outstretched on a large, natural matrix block. Both ''horns'' have been prepared free-standing, and the distinct eyes are easily seen. The genal and body spines are very long and symmetrical, and even the tiny tail is intact. Dicranurus is one of the hardest Oklahoma trilobites to find this well articulated - usually the free cheeks are missing, and the body spines are ''jumbled''. This is one of the best Dicranurus hamatus elegantus trilobites we have ever prepared.

This fossil was collected and obtained legally, and is also being sold legally. A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.

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