This is one of the most unusual species of trilobites we have ever offered. It is an amazing Short-Nosed Trident trilobite from Morocco. This trilobite looks like its Trident cousin, Walliserops trifurcatus, but has a much shorter snout. This specimen was painstakingly prepared under a microscope in the EXTINCTIONS Prep Lab here in Colorado. The trilobite represents the best features that trilobites have to offer - it has faceted compound eyes, DOZENS of free-standing vertical spines, and a beautifully articulated, free-standing Trident snout! The large, outstretched trilobite is wonderfully showcased on the sculpted block of matrix - what more could you ask for in this type of trilobite? This is a beautifully prepared example of this rare, exotic Trident trilobite.
A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.