Name: Olenellus gilberti
Age: Lower Cambrian
Formation: Pioche Formation
Location: Lincoln County, Nevada
Size: Trilobite is 4.3 inches long
Specimen SSMIK1
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Now THIS is a huge Olenellid trilobite. This is a monster Olenellus gilberti from the Pioche Formation of Nevada. This trilobite is just humongous for an Olenellus - well over FOUR INCHES LONG! The trilobite is fully complete with the telson (tailspine) intact, which is very unusual. The bug is extremely inflated and 3-D - this is the most inflated Olenellus gilberti we have ever seen. The trilobite also has excellent detail preserved. The fossil is beautifully centered on the squared matrix plate. And, believe it or not, the counterpart is also included (not pictured). This is simply the most impressive Olenellus gilberti trilobite we have ever seen.
A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.