Name: Rhinobatos nov. sp. (Guitar Fish)
Age: Middle Cretaceous
Formation: Cenomanian Layers
Location: Hajoula, Lebanon
Size: Fossil is 3.4 inches long
Specimen SSRAY1
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This is one of our favorite Lebanese fossils ever. It is a new species of Rhinobatos from the limestone quarries near Hajoula. Lebanese fossils like this are hard to acquire due to political unrest in the area. Rhinobatos is not a true Stingray, but rather a Guitar Fish. This rare, new species of Rhinobatos retains more Stingray characteristics than other Rhinobatos. This example has great form and is extremely detailed - the many tiny rays and individual backbone discs are easily seen. The flukes are beautifully preserved, and the tail is complete to the very tip. The Guitar Fish is nicely centered on the rectangular plate of limestone that also contains a fossil shrimp. This is an extremely collectible fossil ray that simply displays beautifully.
A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.