Beautiful Trilobites on Sculpted Matrix Block

Name: Cheirurus sp., Asaphus (Neoasaphus) punctatus
Age:  Middle Ordovician
Formation:  Asery Level
Location:  St. Petersburg, Russia
Size: Cheirurus is 6.4 inches long!

Specimen SS202

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This is easily one of the most aesthetic trilobite fossils we have ever seen. It is a HUGE Cheirurus sp. and Asaphus (Neoasaphus) punctatus multiple plate from the Ordovician outcrops near St. Petersburg, Russia. Cheirurid trilobites are some of the most pleasing and recognizable trilobites ever found. This specimen has all of the classic features that make this type of trilobite so collectible. The long, sweeping genal spines make for an awesome display. The body of the trilobite is beautifully preserved, and the LONG tailspines seem to go on forever. The giant bug is very inflated and 3-dimensional for this type, which is easily seen in the photos. A complete Neoasaphus punctatus, a classic Asaphid trilobite, is also represented on the slab. This large-eyed bug is almost perfectly prone and fully natural to the plate. But the real gem of this plate is the beautiful 6.4 inch Cheirurus - simply magnificent. It is hard to imagine a more impressive and displayable trilobite specimen than this stunning example.

A Certificate of Authenticity from EXTINCTIONS is included with this specimen.

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